Who We Are

The Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA), founded in 1984, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote the rich Ethiopian culture and heritage as well as build positive environment within Ethiopian-American communities in North America. Its mission is bringing Ethiopians together to network, supporting the business community, empowering the young by providing scholarships and mentoring programs, primarily using soccer tournaments, other sports activities and cultural events as a vehicle.

Donate To ESFNA

ESFNA appreciates the generosity of our community. You can use the button to the right to donate to our organization — we will make sure your donations are put to good use. Donate as little or as much as you’d like.


It is a great honor for me to have been chosen to lead this historic organization. I realize this position carries a tremendous responsibility to carry on the great tradition of bringing Ethiopians together. I am looking forward to being the steward of the largest Ethiopian organization outside of Ethiopia.

Abiye Nurilegne

Previous Venues

Each year the location of the ESFNA soccer tournament changes. In order to be selected to host the tournament, teams must submit their bid to the Executive Committee ahead of time. A host team must fulfil the requirements that are stated in our Tournament Guidelines and the team must show that it has the support of the Ethiopian community in their city.